These are the funds most often given by churches and individuals that have the ability to give regularly to ensure a steady flow of funds to be used for the day-to-day expenses associated with meeting the needs of children and families receiving the care of everyone associated with Central Texas Children’s Home. Some folks send a monthly gift via U.S. mail. Others set up a monthly recurring gift on their credit card. Some donors set up an authorization for an automatic withdrawal from their checking account.

Central Texas Children’s Home is blessed to have the Maurice Kemper Endowment. This endowment was created to provide long term support to the ministry at Central Texas Children’s Home. Those donors giving one time or cumulatively $5,000.00 or more to the endowment have their names placed on a plaque located in the main office of the Central Texas Children’s Home.
Central Texas Children’s Home accepts monthly recurring gifts to the endowment for those interested in seeing their gift continue providing for the children’s home in perpetuity.

When we become Christians, God places a deep seated passion in our lives to help others. His word tells us that the most significant way to help others is by helping them to develop a relationship with Him through Christ. In our lives, we embrace that commission and promote it with a zeal and fervor.
Estate planning gives us the ability to pursue “The Great Commission” by sharing God’s love, inspired word and Son with others beyond our time on this earth. It allows us to share a portion of that which God has given us in our lifetimes with an endowment that will support the Christian ministry at Central Texas Children’s Home in perpetuity.
Some Christians give all and/or a portion of their estates to the Central Texas “Maurice Kemper” endowment. Thereby ensuring that children continue to receive the love God wants for them for many years to come.
Gifts to the endowment come in many forms: cash, stocks, real estate, proceeds from life insurance policies, etc. We at Central Texas Children’s Home would be open to discussing your estate gift options. Ultimately, your attorney would be in the best position to guide your estate gift decisions.